We used to have a Cadillac; it was beaten and broken down and it sat in front of the house. We jumped on it, played on it, made it the little jungle gym we never had of our own. We kept our dog in it; it became his little mansion. I really don't know why my dad took so many years to get rid of it. The neighbors always thought we were wierd. The driveway looked so bizarre and wrong when it got towed away, even after we grew out of playing on it, after the dog was gone.
All of her sisters turned out to be cheerleaders. Each sister ran the school once they climbed out of their junior high years. It was almost like a history book: the Reign of Tiffany, the Reign of Jessica, the Reign of Rachael-- each of them had an army of primped-up, vicious jezebels and each of them harnessed a leash on every boy in the school. Not Emma, though. She was never able to do a headstand, even as a playful, adventurous young girl. And somehow, this handicap barred her from the adulation that bestowed her glamourous sisters.
I think I have found a new artist to look up to: Audrey Kawasaki. God, her artwork is the kind of art I want to create. Very simple, elegant, almost haunting pictures that have a definite feminine touch-- subtly erotic, yet cute. Teehee, maybe art does always reflect the artist. ::blush:: If I find the time, I will create some art over the weekend. I've been getting more and more inspired lately. Not just art-wise, but writing too; I really enjoyed doing the prompts above.
Time Flies from Five on Friday.
1. How long does it take you to get ready to leave the house?
Most of the time, I can get out in 10-15 minutes. I just jump in the shower, throw on some clothes, brush my teeth and go. 40 minutes in total if I have to wash my hair as well. The trouble just comes from picking out clothes. Because I don't have many casual pants (e.g. jeans), it becomes a bit harder to just really "throw on clothes." I have a great number of black shirts but most of my pants are black. :\ I have a great number of just casual, screen t-shirts but I can't wear classy black pants with them. I'd go out and buy jeans but aaargh, it's hard to find one that will complemeent my figure.
2. If you commute to work or a regularly scheduled meeting, how long does it take you to get there?
In the mornings, 20 minutes! xx; But usually, it takes about 4 minutes to get to school. ^^
3. How much time do you spend watching TV or playing video games each day?
I don't and can't watch TV because we don't have cable whatsoever. I download or buy the shows I watch so I do not have much use for TV. Plus, I think not having TV has been a greater benefit for me. I do not have TV to distract me from work anymore-- not to say that I don't get distracted, but the elimination of one of them is a big difference. I do not waste time on shows that I "just watch because it's on." And I no longer really feel desensitized.I also would play more games if I had a Wii. :)
4. How much time do you spend preparing/acquiring/eating meals on an average day?
Erm ... not .. much? I am ashamed to admit that I eat out most of the time. :[ I'm trying to reverse that.
5. How much sleep do you get each day?
Never enough. :POne of the first things I want to do once I have money is to revamp my wardrobe. I do not have a clear-cut, specific, narrow idea of what I want, per se, but I've have been playing around with a few ideas:

All I know is that I definitely want to emphasize my femininity via my clothing, so I want more skirts. Especially A-line skirts. That will mean I need new shoes, though. I also want more accessories: bracelets and hair things and the like. To be honest, I've always had a thing for pearls ... I might incorporate them into my new style somehow. I want a range of clothing that will allow me to be very casual ( so I need to go jean-hunting), very classy, and all taht lies in-between. Since I plan on bike-commuting to save gas and money (and to stay fit! ^^), I also need really cute sporty clothes. <3
Man, this entry went all over the place.
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