1. What inspires you?
The fastest way to get me inspired is to browse on DeviantArt or other art sites. It's almost like an inspirational defibrillator. Music also jerks me into drawing or writing; I love drawing scenes to narrate a song or piece of music. Watching stylized and/or action flicks, anime, animated movies have always made me want to jump at art. Though not as much as it used to, fandoms inspired a great deal of fan art and fanfiction for me too. :x Reading a REALLY great tutorial makes me want to try out new things; for you cartoon-and-comic aficionados out there, read "Making Comics" by Scott McCloud.
2. What blocks your creativity?
Depression has been a real obstacle for my creativity lately; it didn't usually back in high shcool, though. In fact, my creativity was at its pinnacle whenever I was depressed back in high school. Perhaps it is because depression now often involves contemplation about the future, which always scares me, to be honest. I fear that in the future, I may have to take the path in which I must abandon my drawing to make room for some career. I constantly burn with envy whenever I see art students anywhere or when I hear about my fellow high school graduates who are currently attending Savannah's College of Art & Design. I'm trying to break out of this invisible barrier of pressure and guilt to just pursue SOMETHING in art but I get horrendously intimidated. My creativity has really hit a plateau since graduation. I barely remember a finish piece of art that I've done, actually ...
But I am currently working on advertising myself as a freelance muralist and i am always on the look-out for extra-curricular art classes and workshops to remedy the plateau.
3. Do you do anything special to get your creative juices flowing?
The best work comes from when I am attacked by these spontaneous bursts of creativity. I mean, ideas fly by so fast that I HAVE to keep paper around to jot them down. But again, to give me that jolt, I usually go to DeviantArt.
4. What time of day do you feel most inspired?
Nighttime, I think.
5. How do you like to express your creative energy?
Drawing. Just plain drawing, honestly. That's my favorite creative outlet because it just flows out of me. Painting is more of a skill-in-progress; I am stilla novice. I am not primarily a writer, so I always have to take a very bumpy road to get anywhere in writing. Sculpture in a skill-in-progress and mainly experimental. Most other art forms I attempt are experimental.
But damn, drawing. I've done it for years, so it does not have to be -especially- difficult when I don't want it to be. I have the greatest amount of control over a pen or pencil than anything else. I can whip up pages and pages of doodles and sketches and quick drawings in an hour, or work on a big, beautiful piece-- it's all up to me and I love that sense of freedom when I have that sketchbook in my lap and that pen/cil in my hand.
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