Thursday, February 1, 2007

My own lifehacks.

God, I'm such a geek. Lol. I have been going onto a lot and it just hit me: why don't I list some of my own Lifehacks here?

1. Post-It notes are addicting. it's bright, it's there, it's visible. You don't have to neglect opening up a notepad or anything. I use them for numbers, reminders, to-do lists, markers, everything.
2. Time-block schedules. As oxymoronic as this is, keeping a fairly loose and flexible schedule and scheduling room for spontaneity helps a LOT. You never know if a friend will randomly call you up for lunch.
3. Wikipedia for quick, fast, basic info.
4. One binder for all my subjects. it's more travel-convenient, it takes up less space, and if I need to refer to another subject, all I need to do is flip a divider. Plus, I find that one one-inch binder is enough to efficently house all my schoolwork.
5. Almost everything in my room is stored in some manner of tupperware.
6. I use ziplock bags to semi-organize chunks of clutter in my drawers.
7. I arrnage my closet in rainbow order so that I can pick out matching outfits easily.
8. I use the $100 checkpoint to keep from spending from my savings account. (e.g. If I have $460 in my savings, I CAN dip into the account, but I cannot let my savings go under $400.)
9. I also find it to be helpful to define emergencies in the finest possible detail in regardings to dipping into savings. This way, you have definite margins. If you are in a hungry, irrational mood, you might justify dipping for food but if you set yourself concise guidelines, you are less tempted to.
10. Color-coded notes help me out, especially when it comes to math and very technical things. I also am incredibly ADD and having different colors help me stay focused. I stick to conservative colors like blue, red, and black, however.
11. I keep nearby an outline for different sort of emails, notably follow-up emails, to make sure I do not ramble off-topic and to keep it as concise as I can.
12. I turn on the lamp if I decide to hit the snooze button to wake up easier.

Lifehacks I have yet to try:

1. For difficult and complex subjects I need to memorize, I want to compose instructions that are very colorful and simple, as if I were explaining things to a child. I'm a visual learner. ^^

2. Be diet-conscious during the weekdays but be more lenient on weekends. Also, invest in a digital scale.

3. Play more Sudoku, at LEAST. Learn new things and play concentration games to sharpen my noggin.

4. Learn office yoga. :3 I'm always on the go~

I had a lot more but I forget them at the moment. ;_; Oh well ...

So, do you have any interesting lifehacks of your own? :)

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